***** What do you know!? Test Your Knowledge in the Best Word Game *****
1000+ Puzzles are Waiting and the collection grows Daily!
Each puzzle is a collage of pics with a common theme - what is it?
What Do You Know?! How many puzzles can you solve?!
√ Simple and Hassle Free instant fun!
NO Forced Tutorials, NO Complicated Rules, NO Registration required.
Super easy to get started. Enjoy the puzzle fun instantly!
√ Addictive and Intuitive Game play!
Hundreds of collage puzzles to Solve
Different themes and difficulty levels! Can you guess them all?
√ Continuous push updates, Can you Solve them All?
New puzzles are seamlessly pushed from the game servers to your device!
Daily Puzzle Updates with no interruptions!
√ Play with friends, Share the fun with Hints and Challenges!!
Stuck in one puzzle? You can share it on Facebook.
Ask your friends or Use Tokens for hints and help
Post puzzles you have solved to Facebook, Let your friends guess.
Are they as smart as you?
***** The Fun is Never Ending with What Do You Know?! *****